VAP2021-Q1 Words and Pictures

Keep it dumb and casual: about Cal Robb’s art

Written by Charlie J Meyers and Sarah Rose Jansen. Gazing at Cal’s work, mulling over our email discussion of it, a memory of one of the best art moments of my life surfaced. I went to an art show and saw three abstract paintings of women eyeballing me from their perch around the gallery’s internal […]

VAP2021-Q1 Words and Pictures

The painted portals of Catie Dillon

Written by Lindsey Kircher. Taking in the terracotta reds and yellows of Catie Dillon’s most recent work, I am reminded of the city of Rome. The recurrence of archways or portals, and the overlapping layers of translucent paint further evoke the collaged architecture, history, and culture of the city. Conversely, the saturated blues and neon […]

VAP2021-Q1 Words and Pictures

Time warp dreamscapes: the resilient paintings of Lindsey Kircher

Written by Catie Dillon. When Lindsey and I studied in Florence, the sunlight would stream through our apartment windows and we would read and draw in the warm Italian light. Then we would wear matching butterfly gems and mini skirts and go clubbing until our eyes burned from the neon strobes. We did mediocre performance […]

VAP2021-Q1 Words and Pictures

The medium is the message: things I think about while looking at the work of Charlie J Meyers

BASED ON SKYPE CONVERSATIONS WITH THE  ARTIST DURING THE WINTER OF 2020/2021 Written by Cal Robb. LIFE is a tender collection of pornographic moments. Water is ALWAYS TOUCHING ITSELF and never another water. Water on water is just water.  Bodies of water can be joined together. Not unlike a STRAIT.  Gregory Corso said: ‘fish is […]